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Reading Instruction and Intervention

Throughout the semester in my Fundamentals of Language and Literacy Instruction course I had the opportunity to work one-on-one with a second grade student in reading. Using my course work, resources from my professor, and text books, I administered multiple assessments to my student in order to determine any developing areas to focus on during tutoring interventions. After administering and scoring all of the assessments, I recognized decoding and encoding words, specifically ones with long vowel sounds, as a developing area for my student. With this knowledge moving forward, I developed reading intervention lessons to target this topic and help my student reach proficency in spelling, long vowel sounds, and using chunking as a decoding strategy. 


As a part of one-on-one instruction we developed Reader's Strategic Notebooks for our student. My student's notebook was broken down into five sections. The first section features assessments and activities my student and I completed together using the notebook. The next four sections are filled with helpful hints, extra activities, and graphic organizers my student got to keep and can use for futrure reference and practice. These fall into the category of phonics, spelling, fluency, and comprehension. I have included videos of these notebook pages as a sample of what the notebook looked like and what kind of activities were included.



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